Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Bird from England

Talked to Coastal Girl the other night and we reminisced about our time in the Peace Corps in Morocco. Summer of 1985. My apartment was kind of the Hotel Safi. People were always staying with me. There was this bird see, from England. (Yeah all my posts have to have birds in them.) Her name was Philippa. I didn't know her from Adam, but she was a friend of Chris's, an English bloke who for some reason had lived with me my first year in Morocco (don't remember the circumstances). We weren't involved, just buds. Philippa came to visit him that summer, and ended up staying at my apartment. Again, I don't remember the details.

Philippa is/was possibly the most sensual woman alive. Coastal Girl and I both have vivid memories of her. Funny that. I can't even remember the names of many of my fellow P.C. volunteers, but I can remember the name of one bird who I knew for 3 or 4 weeks 27 years ago. The mind's a funny thing.

Oh one thing I'm supposed to do in my techno explo is to post a link on my blog to an image from Flickr. So here's one tagged with "England" and "birds." I'm not sure it's real, but reality is overrated.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Virgin Post

Yes I'm adding to the blogosphere. Just what we need. Another blog. I'm only doing this to learn how blogs work.

So I'm the reluctant blogger, though I've named my blog something different because that name was already taken. Why "Feed the Birds"?

1. I love birds.
2. I love the song "Feed the Birds."
3. Some birds sing.
4. Without music, life would be a mistake.

There you have it.